Perry Personal Trainer


Trainsmart case studies - Perry Personal Trainer
"If at first you don’t succeed, try doing what your trainer told you the first time"


Perry Personal Trainer Motivations Chart

In Perry's Words

I work with about 50 clients each week and it's non-stop from early morning until late at night. I’d really like to offer a digital element to my coaching, giving me more flexibility with my hours and reaching more clients. I’ve tried to get online before, but it was complicated and expensive.

I’ve started using Trainsmart and it does exactly what I need. As a registered personal trainer, I get a free personal account and I only pay for what I use with my clients, so it’s cost-effective with no up-front costs.


Perry used to work in the City but got disillusioned with the rat race, followed his dreams and retrained as a personal trainer. He works out of a boutique studio in the heart of the financial centre but a lot of his income is swallowed up by rent. Perry is entrepreneurial and has ambitious plans to develop his business. He’s an active user of social media and recognises the power of the internet and how it can help build his network of connected clients.

Coach Registration